2016 – May Update
Kiwi Call Count
The annual kiwi count began on May 25 at 20 sites throughout the Heads – spare a thought for the very hard working listeners sitting out there in the cold for 4 nights! Initial nights have given good call numbers but the weather is making things difficult and breeding season has begun so the number of males calling reduces as they are sitting on nests. Annual Kiwi Call Count
Maori TV – Te Araroa – Tales from the Trails
Folks from the Whangarei Heads featured in Pio’s first show of the new series of “Te Araroa – Tales from the Trails”. The Cole-Bakers provided an insight to the Te Araroa trail, Martin and the Manaia LC crew showed their work, Danny gave Pio some history and Dallas the kiwi made him smile! Have a look:
Pio and his crew really got the idea of Backyard Kiwi being community driven but unfortunately much of the stuff they filmed over 2 and half days got cut out in the edit down to 15 minutes. Even so it was fantastic having them visit and great publicity for the Heads and BYK.
Kauri Die Back Training
Thanks heaps to Martin and Ngaire for organising KDB training for those of us working in the bush at the Heads. Dr Karen Vedurmen spent time on Manaia with small groups of us so we know how to identify KDB and importantly how to prevent it’s spread. Martin, Ngaire and Karen are developing a model that can be used by other community groups to minimise the spread of KDB.
Some other happenings:
- Kiwi Coast think tank met and have been working hard on next year’s budget
- A Work Plan for the BYK kiwi recovery work to be done in 2016-17 year has been produced to seek funding from the NRC targeted rate fund.
- The release of 3 kiwi from Limestone at Tanekaha went well thanks to the hard work of Emma, Bernie, Rolf, Ngaire and others. Whareora Landcare hosted the kiwi for an event at Mt Tiger on their way for release. This was a great opportunity for those folks that are trapping hard in the area between us and Tutukaka to see a kiwi and be inspired to keep up the hard work needed as more kiwi make their way into their backyards. Thanks to Kiwis for Kiwi and the Kiwi Coast for their funding of this important kiwi release programme.
Backyard Kiwi Predator Control Programme (Funded by NRC and Kiwi Coast):
Catches for May: Stoats 2, Weasels 3, Cats 1, Rats 85, Hedgehogs 15 and 13 possums. June is the last month of our trapping year so will let you know the season’s final tally next report.
What the Kiwi are up to
The breeding season is well underway now – more and more males will be sitting on eggs so if things go quiet after the recent kiwi calling burst don’t panic – it is a good sign.
What your radio tracked Backyard Kiwi have been up to:
Darwin – In pampas at Lamb Road. 12 hours activity.
Lambert – Usual area at Taurikura Ridge. Deep in pampas. 12 hours per night.
Mrs Charlie – at Craig road. High activity. 13 hours per night.
Whitu – At Reotahi above the freezing works. Activity is dropping- now 8.5 hours per night. Probably starting to nest.
Dallas – In pampas by Whangarei Heads School. Activity dropped to 9 hours and in the last week I have lost his signal- hope that he has found somewhere tucked away to nest.
EB – In the scrub at Kerr road. 12 hours
Tindall – He has moved to the NE side of Manaia and is proving difficult to locate in the kiekie there. 13 hours activity.
Ziggy- Still no signal from this fella. I have been having problems with my listening gear and recently rewired my aerial so will have another look for him.
ONE program (funded by Kiwis for Kiwi):
Did plenty of transmitter changes on these ONE dads this month in preparation for the breeding season.
Ray – Usual area E of slip. 12 hours activity.
The Acrobat – E end of Lovells’ fenced bush, Did tx change, 2300g MG.
Waimarie – Usual area below quarry. Did tx change, 2500g, G.
Ngutu Roa – SW end of reserve. Did tx change, 2400g, G. with female RA3052 (same as last season) 2750g, 130.7mm, MG..
Sancho – In paddock N of quarry.. Did Tx change, 2200g, M.
CFU –still no signal – will have another look in his nesting area next month.
The Boxer – NW end of reserve. Did tx change, 2400g, G. With female 7718149 (same as last season) 2900g, 138.0mm, G.
Todd Hamilton
Backyard Kiwi Project Manager, Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum
021 1145 385