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Thanks to an active intervention program, at Whangarei Heads we really do have kiwi in our backyard.

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November 4th, 2015

2015 October update

Thanks to Parua Bay Primary School and the Falls Estate Retirement Village

The Kiwis for kiwi morning tea idea was taken up by both young and old in community. The Parua Bay School raised $550  through  a cake stall and the Falls Estate $50 through Betty Harding getting donations. Thank you guys!

Ngaire Tyson and I went in for a kiwi talk at the Gail Green organised Environmental club at  Parua Bay that was well received.

Upcoming Kiwi Releases
Bernie on Limestone has caught up with and transmitted a couple of the kiwi from our BNZONE programme and they are ready for release. This will happen on Wednesday November 11 at 5.45pm at the Hunts’ farm, 102 Robinson Road – more detail. Please let folks know about it.

In recognition of the support of the Tindall Foundation, through Reconnecting Northland and the Kiwi Coast, we will be having a special kiwi event with them during their visit to the Heads earlier in the day.

There will also be a Tutukaka Landcare Coalition release at Tutukaka on Thursday November 19 – see Kiwi Coast website for details.

Kiwi Predator Control Programme (Funded by NRC and Kiwi Coast):Catches for October:  Stoats 1, Weasels 6, Cats 3, Rats 70, Hedgehogs 13 and 6 possums. Salted rabbit lure is lasting well with monthly checks.

Meetings etc
WHLF meeting went well and was a good catch up on what the many Landcare groups are working away at in the area- there is so much good work happening in our area!

Gave written input to the Kiwi and Dogs work shop run by the Northland Kiwi Forum.

Drowned Kiwi – please check you place for water hazards.
Unfortunately the cover was left off the sump of a spring fed water supply at the base of Mt Manaia. Two adult kiwi drowned in it. The kiwi were wild hatched, unmonitored birds and were very rotten when found (picture below).  Remember that you have kiwi at your place!  If you have ponds, water supplies, pools or even stock troughs please make sure that kiwi cannot get into them or at least that they have a way to get out.

w-water supply sump (5)


w-drowned in water supply sump (2)


Radio Tracked Kiwi at Whangarei Heads (Funded by NRC) full histories
Your hard working kiwi dads are still hatching kiwi chicks all over the place and some are starting their second nest for the season.

What your radio tracked Backyard Kiwi have been up to:
– At Lamb Road quarry. He has hatched 2 chicks and has just about finished nesting. We have got some good video of mum, dad and the chicks, all separately, from a nearby trial camera 

Lambert– Usual area at Taurikura Ridge feeding up after finishing nesting last month.

Charlie – Nested in the pampas beside the main road near our “Kiwi Crossing” signs– he successfully hatched two chicks and had his nest decorated with a car lighting unit from a nearby car crash! See photo. Thankfully he has moved back to his usual stomping ground well away from the road.


15.10-Charlies chick in nest


15.10-Charlies chick-pampass

Whitu – At Reotahi above the freezing works. Feeding up after finishing nesting..

Dallas – Has already re-nested at the Hills’ after successfully hatching two chicks last month- a sucker for punishment. The Whangarei Heads School are going to name one of these chicks that is right beside their playground.

Waka – In his usual area at Mckenzie Bay. The very good news is that he as finally nested again (after losing his first mate to drowning in an uncovered water tank almost 2 years ago). He is nesting on the point between Taurikura and McKenzie Bays.

EB -Still in the scrub near Kerr Road.  10.5 hours activity. 

BNZONE program (funded by Kiwis for Kiwi):

– Not monitored this month.

– Usual area and activity after finishing his first nest.

The Acrobat – usual area, Lovell’s Farm, still not nesting- lazy bugger!.

Waimarie – His first chick died during hatch. I found him dead in the nest attached to the yolk sack, which is usual absorbed into the chicks tummy on successful hatches. Unfortunately the second egg was rotten too – possibly infected by the rotten chick.

Ngutu Roa – At SW end of reserve. Feeding up after nesting.

Sancho – Feeding up after nesting.

CFU – Nesting in shallow burrow in small stand of trees in paddock. He has hatched his first chick (LC1508 who was transferred to limestone on 26/10/15) and is still on a second egg.

The Boxer – He is nesting still at the western end of the reserve. Hatch is due.


Todd Hamilton 

Backyard Kiwi Project Manager

Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum

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