2015 April Update
AGM reminder
Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum AGM will be on Sunday May 17 at 2pm at the McLeod Bay Hall.
May is very busy for everyone – especially the kiwi folk with kiwi listening, kiwi hui, releases etc so sorry to add another meeting. By being an afternoon meeting it frees up the evening for the kiwi call counters.
We do not plan to have a guest speaker. This will allow more time for a catch up of what each group has been doing. If possible can each group co-ordinator please give a brief update on the year. Thanks.
Also please make sure anyone that may be interested knows that they are welcome.
Kiwi Calls
The kiwi call count period is about to kick off on Thursday –the weather is not looking the best unfortunately.
Even if you are not part of the official call count this is the time of year that your kiwi are calling the most so take some time one quiet evening to have a listening to who is whistling away in your backyard. Encourage your neighbours and friends to listen out too.
Check out http://www.backyardkiwi.org.nz/meet-the-kiwi/what-do-kiwi-sound-like for a reminder of the different calls.
New Landcare Group
Mt Aubrey Landcare is coming together to make a co-ordinated effort at pest control on Mt Aubrey. If you are keen to be part of this get in touch with Martin Hunt martinhunt@farmside.co.nz
Submissions on the NRC Long Term Plan
Thank you to all those that made the effort to submit on the LTP targeted rate..
National Kiwi Hui (Funded by Kiwis for Kiwi)
We are hosting a field trip on the afternoon of Wednesday May 13 which will involve a bit of a drive around the Heads with a few stops for the visitors to see and hear what we are doing. Thanks to those that are helping out and to the Kiwi Coast for putting on the coffee etc.
At the Hui itself (which has been a “sell out”) Martin and Heather are doing a presentation on the Manaia Landcare work and I will be part of a session on the use of live kiwi for community engagement. Ngaire will also be doing a session on the Kiwi Coast.
Website Upgrade
Heather has been putting a huge effort into the Backyard Kiwi website upgrade – keep an eye out when it goes live later in the month.
Kiwi Predator Control Programme:
There has been a bit of an autumn burst of trap catches –
Catches for April: Stoats 3, Weasels 1, Cats 5, Rats 77, Hedgehogs 20 and 12 possums.
Radio Tracked Kiwi at Whangarei Heads What your radio tracked Backyard Kiwi have been up to:
The Acrobat – finally caught up with this guy outside of his usual deep burrow for his transmitter change. He was snoozing in some rank kikuyu and gorse in a paddock He was healthy 2250g.
Waka –Usual area at Mckenzie Bay/Taurikura point. His activity is 10 hours per night – He is already in great condition so hopefully he will find a mate.
Darwin – At Lamb Road JR- Still no signal from this guy –looking more like transmitter failure all the time
Lambert – Usual area Taurikura Ridge. He has finished nesting now, he hatched the first egg successfully but the second egg was a dud.
Whitu – At Reotahi above the freezing works – 9.5 hours activity per night.
Charlie – Usual area at Craig Road. A very active 12.5 hours per night – feeding up for the breeding season.
Dallas – Usual area by the school – His activity has dropped to 6 hours so he may be starting to nest already.
Lucky – still no signal after extensive search- another possible transmitter breakdown..
Breck – Kerr road area. 12.5 hours activity.
EB – This is the guy that was released at McLeod bay back in February. He has settled in the scrub between Kerr Road and Kauri Mt Road. 11.5 hours of activity each night.
Adam Willetts (Ranger for the Bream Head Conservation Trust) is keeping us updated on the kiwi monitored at Bream Head each month so that we can put them on the Backyard kiwi website updates: Due to either transmitter failure or the transmitter falling off BHCT is no longer monitoring the 3 kiwi they were.
BNZONE program (funded by Kiwis for Kiwi):
The ONE dad’s out at Riponui and Rarewarewa are also feeding up for the next breeding season.
Rippy – no signal this month –will have a good look for him
The Knight – Usual area with 11 hours activity.
Hanga –Usual area with 11 hours activity.
Ray – Usual area 12 hours activity. I renewed his transmitter band and did a health check – a healthy 2450g
Todd Hamilton
Backyard Kiwi Project Manager
Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum
M 021 1145 385
E hamiltont@maxnet.co.nz