Protecting our kauri
Locals working on the Manaia Pest control project in the winter of 2014 realised that the magnificent kauri on the mountain are vulnerable to the dreaded disease known as kauri dieback (Phytophthora taxon Agathis).
The fungus, which enters through the root system, is carried in soil, and so dirty boots are a likely vector of transmission.
Fortunately, so far KDB has not been identified on Manaia. However, with up to a thousand visitors each week using the Manaia track, the risk of introducing the fungus is high.
Locals have now installed a boot cleaning station at the entrance to the track – it is very important to clean all dirt off boots and shoes and then spray with the disinfectant.
Heather Hunt – Backyard Kiwi illustrator – has designed an arresting “Foot Traffic Light” for Northland Regional Council and NRC hope to install the Foot traffic lights at cleaning stations around the Northland.