Pest Control Rate Supports Backyard Kiwi Population
“Ongoing efforts of the local community is a massive undertaking and underpins the success of the expanding kiwi population on and beyond the Whangarei Heads peninsula, the Pest Control Rate will assist efforts to sustain this amazing achievement” says Backyard Kiwi spokesperson Catherine McNamara
Continued pressure on kiwi predators and increased weed control is advanced through the recently approved Pest Control Rate.
Directed by a community based liaison committee, Northland Regional Council will manage the fund and ensure that it is directed into kiwi predator control and initiating work toward eradicating selected weeds at Parua Bay Whangarei Heads
“ This is such a worthwhile project and we welcome the opportunity to provide support” Northland Regional Council Chairman, Bill Shepherd,
Backyard Kiwi asked Don Mckenzie Biosecurity Manager Northland Regional Council to comment
“Community effort is very visible at the Whangarei Heads , and staff interact with very active weed and pest control groups – we also recognise that many people are involved behind the scenes helping to plan and organise events. It seems to us that the programme is improving things beyond biodiversity, as we have witnessed the growth of community connections and the growing interest from people wanting to give their own time and energy and share their experiences. read full interview