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Thanks to an active intervention program, at Whangarei Heads we really do have kiwi in our backyard.

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June 17th, 2013

May Update

Kiwi monitoring:
Your Kiwi are very active at the moment with the start of the breeding season.
What some of them are up to:

Darwin – In the Lamb road quarry – false alarm on him starting to nest last month as his activity has increased.
Whitu – Usual area Reotahi –activity of 11 hours per night.
Dallas  – Still in the pines by the School- 11.5 hours activity.
Lambert – Usual area Taurikura Ridge – activity of 12 hours per night.
Waka – Usual area Mckenzie Bay – activity of 12.5 hours per night.
Charlotte – Usual area of McKenzie Bay.
JR – South Taurikura Ridge above Urquarts Bay – activity of 11.5 hours per night.
Charlie  – At McNamnara’s at Craig Road – due his 6 monthly check but being a bit sneaky in the scrub there.
Kiwiana – At the southern end of Mt Manaia. His activity is around 12 hours per night.
Webb – In the pines between Ody’s and Kerr Road.
Clover  – Still high up on eastern Manaia -11.5 hours activity.

Two kiwi from our Kiwis for Kiwi BNZONE program were released at Bream Head on May 21. Our BNZONE work is largely funded by Kiwis for Kiwi and is a team effort with the Bream Head Conservation Trust and Tutukaka Landcare Coalition along with support from the Department of Conservation.
Kiwi chicks form the Riponui and Rarewarewa reserves are crèched on Limestone Island (run by FOMLI) until they are over 1200g and ready for release back on the mainland.

The big news about these two kiwi was that they were numbers 99 and 100 to go through Limestone Island. FOMLI marked the occasion with a celebration at the water front at Onerahi as the kiwi were transferred. They were two female kiwi over 2kg in weight- “Huhana” (named by our proud supporters Ideal Buildings) and “Badger” (named in recognition of Chris Badger of GBC who was part of start of the Limestone Is recovery work).
About 30 people attended the release run by Pete Mitchell of BHCT at the west end of Smugglers’ cove.  Badger was released without a radio transmitter and Huhana had a temporary transmitter attached.  Cathy Mitchell has been following Huhana’s radio signal and she has settled west of the release site at this stage.


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