Good News – June 2013
Kiwis for Kiwi Funding
We received the news that our BNZONE program once again received funding from Kiwis for Kiwi. This is the work we do transferring chicks to Limestone Island and then their later release in conjunction with our partner groups Bream Head Conservation Trust and Tutukaka Landcare Coalition.
THANKS Kiwi for Kiwis.
Book Award
Congratulations to Heather and Annemarie – their book “KIWI the real story” was a finalist in the 2013 NZ Post Children’s Book Awards and received the Children’s Choice Award for non fiction – well done.
View KIWI the real story at:
Book Launch
You may remember Peter Hayden and Rod Morris spending time checking out our Backyard kiwi work. They have released a fantastic book called “An Extraordinary Land” with a chapter featuring Backyard kiwi. Philip King’s classic quote: “I am a kiwi; but what am I going to call myself if the kiwi are all gone?” kicks the chapter off.
Heather, Martin and I attended the book launch in Auckland last week and were very proud as Pete and Rod spoke of the success of Community lead kiwi recovery in Whangarei.
See the book at: