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Thanks to an active intervention program, at Whangarei Heads we really do have kiwi in our backyard.

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November 12th, 2013

An Invitation, Thursday 21st November

An Extraordinary Land

Come and hear two of New Zealand’s prominent conservationists talk about their new book
WHLF invite you to an evening with Peter Hayden and Rod Morris

Whangarei Heads features in a new book
In 2012 Rod and Peter visited Whangarei Heads. They had heard about the success of community predator control efforts and were excited by the intiatives and projects happening on the Whangarei Heads peninsula “……the work of Backyard Kiwi and other community groups gives us hope and inspiration that through people power we can increase kiwi numbers…..”
WHLF are delighted to invite you to hear renowned wild life photographer Rod Morris and actor, director, writer Peter Hayden speak about New Zealand’s special wildlife, the unique environment they inhabit and the increasingly important role communities are playing in conservation efforts.
Join Backyard Kiwi and our proud supporters for a glass of wine and a good yarn.

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