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Thanks to an active intervention program, at Whangarei Heads we really do have kiwi in our backyard.

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July 6th, 2015

2015 Pest Control Rate -Don Mckenzie NRC comments

“Staff working in biosecurity have the opportunity to look across the region at many different groups involved in protecting kiwi and in our view; none have been more successful than Whāngārei Heads.  Kiwi numbers are steadily growing at the Heads, which is hugely significant and something which bucks the alarming nationwide trend of declining kiwi populations.

A majority of people voted for the targeted rate at the Heads and the rate can only be used in that particular area for a specific  purpose.  We are not aware of any other community based rate like this in NZ aimed at protecting kiwi – this in itself is an amazing positive declaration of community achievement.

We will be guided by community advise and provide ongoing support where we are able- we also have to administer the rate and as a consequence we the NRC) are accountable and subject to audit, however the process also means greater and closer community decision making, something we believe is another positive outcome.

Community effort is very visible at the heads , and staff interact with very active weed and pest control groups – we also recognise that many people are involved behind the scenes helping to plan and organise events.  It seems to us that the programme is improving things beyond biodiversity, as we have witnessed the growth of community connections and the growing interest from people wanting to give their own time and energy and share their experiences.

unnamedPest Control rate covers Parua Bay and Whangarei Heads

15.07.Manaia -community effort-7597

I think this community led project has taken the Northland Regional Council on a steep learning curve and I know our staff who have been involved in it feel very much part of a wider team and we are proud to be working to support the initiatives taken to improve biodiversity and community interactions.”


Don Mckenzie

Biosecurity Manager

Northland Regional Council



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