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Thanks to an active intervention program, at Whangarei Heads we really do have kiwi in our backyard.

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May 19th, 2015

Backyard Kiwi features at 2015 National Kiwi Hui

Every 12 months people and organisations working or interested in kiwi recovery meet to share and learn about what’s happing around the country and the traps. Organized by Kiwi’s for kiwi, this year’s  Hui was held in Northland and Backyard Kiwi hosted field trip to Whangarei Heads.

At Whangarei Heads kiwi and community live and thrive alongside one another. We are bucking the national trend our kiwi population is expanding!

This is an intriguing and enviable state of affairs, we were pleased and proud to share what we have learnt. It was a beautiful afternoon and a great opportunity to explain the links between Backyard Kiwi, Friends of Matakohe – Limestone Island , and other interest groups like Bream Head Conservation Trust

Martin Hunt explaining the 2014 Manaia Pest control project 

15-Hui-Feild-trip-Ngaire-Smugglers_7447Ngaire Tyson from Kiwi Coast

Three of our BYK team along with Ngaire Tyson from Kiwi Coast were invited to speak at the conference about the phenomenally successful community driven Backyard Kiwi Project and the exciting prospect of linking kiwi strongholds with other kiwi recovery groups along Northlands east coast.

Read more about what was shared at the 2015 National Kiwi Hui on the Kiwi Coast website

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