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Thanks to an active intervention program, at Whangarei Heads we really do have kiwi in our backyard.

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May 10th, 2016

2016 April update


Thanks to those that came to the AGM. Congratulations to those elected: Philip King – Chairman, Martin Hunt – Treasurer, and Helen Moodie – Secretary. Thanks to them for all their hard work behind the scenes.

Thanks also to the guest speakers (Haley, Nathan and Raureti) from Northtec, they were great – their contacts are below if you would like get in touch with them.

If anyone needs to report any sightings of the cheeky robins, or is interested in searching with Nathan,
contact Nathan Arcus,
and for all sorts of reasons:

Raureti/Laurence Sullivan-0210672624
and if anyone would like to know more about the recorders/software etc.  Hayley Sharp – 021 516 478

Kiwi Call Count training evening
Thank you to Melissa for hosting our recent kiwi call count training evening – great spot to hear kiwi and wonderful food put on by her, Te Rongo Road Caterers (Caitlin Hohmann) and Alex from the Good Food Company (Parua Bay shops)- Thanks!.

The official kiwi count period starts on May 25 at 20 stations throughout the Heads – it is not an easy job siting in the cold listening for 8 hours over 4 nights and recording the number, direction, distance and sex of each call as accurately as you can.

Wild Kiwi multisport event
The Wild Kiwi multisport event was a great success – it was a well organised and well supported by the Heads community.  BYK got plenty of positive exposure, thanks to Catherine, Heather and Grant for their work. Congratulations to Martin’s 5 Knarly kiwis – BYK team for their success in the event.

Some other happenings:
Heather and Philip visited Parua Bay School for a session on kiwi call counting and other kiwi stuff with the students there
BYK sub-committee meeting this Sunday 4.30pm at Philip and Jeanette’s.
Todd attended presentations by Landcare Research on their current scientific studies on pest control – hosted by the NRC
The Northland Kiwi Forum met to consider Kiwi for kiwis funding applications

WHLF Chairman Philip King

WHLF Chairperson Philip king explains Kiwi Call Counting to children at Parua Bay school

w-kiwi poster Parua Bay School-dogsArt work from Parua bay school

Robins – Bream Head Conservation Trust have done a fantastic job bringing North Island Robins back the Whangarei Heads. What a great achievement!  The next release is tentatively planned for Saturday May 14 . Contact Claire Pearson, 434 0571 or for details.

Tanekaha – Congratulations also to Tanekaha CPCA who successfully released 12 kiwi in their trapped area west of Hikurangi yesterday.
Kiwi Coast  – Emma has caught and transmitted a kiwi on Limestone ready for release. Plan is to do a “Kiwi Coast release” – a chance for those in the groups trapping between the Whanagrei Heads and Tutukaka to have an opportunity to see a kiwi up close before the kiwi is released in one of the permitted areas. Will let you know more details.

Kiwi Road Kill
Unfortunately another kiwi has been run over on the road on the usual stretch – between McLeod Bay and Timperley road. She was a healthy young adult female – no ID chip so a wild hatched chick that had survived thanks to the trapping programme. Keep an eye out when you are driving at night please.

w-roadkilled female

w-kiwi poster Parua Bay School

Backyard Kiwi Predator Control Programme (Funded by NRC and Kiwi Coast):
Catches for February:  Stoats 3, Weasels 4, Cats 0, Rats 66, Hedgehogs 16 and 6 possums.  I’m doing another round of eggs as lure this month.  All three of the stoats were at the northern end of the trapped area – one was completely white which is a  “winter phase” adaption for snowy conditions – so a bit bazaar and very rare here in Northland.  

w-white Stoathe was pretty rotten!

What the Kiwi are up to
The kiwi are feeding up big time getting ready for breeding – they are pretty noisy at the moment so it is a good time to have a listen to see where the kiwi are in your backyard.

What your radio tracked Backyard Kiwi have been up to:

Darwin – In pampas at Lamb Road. Bernie and Ian gave me a hand to do his transmitter change – he was a healthy 2300g in weight.

Lambert – Usual area at Taurikura Ridge. Deep in pampas. High activity- 11.5 hours per night.

Mrs Charlie – at Craig road. High activity. 11.5 hours per night.

Whitu– At Reotahi above the freezing works. High activity. 10 hours per night.

Dallas– In pampas by Whangarei Heads School. High activity of 11.5 hours.

EB – in the scrub at Kerr road. High activity. 11.5 hours

Tindall – Still on Manaia but he has started moving about a bit – looking for a mate?? Activity is 11.5 hours.

Ziggy – I haven’t been able to get signal from Ziggy this month – even after a good search around Kauri Mt . He may be on the move looking for a mate – I will keep listening for him.

CFU – Nest failed.  Rolf did nest check and found one well developed but dead egg.  CFU’s transmitter is playing up too.
Have done a pre-breeding visit on the other ONE dads.

Todd Hamilton

Backyard Kiwi Project Manager,

Whangarei Heads Landcare Forum

M 021 1145 385

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